COVID-19: Interactive Data Visualization - Comparing Global Performance

Welcome to my COVID-19 dashboard.
Here you can play around with different kinds of data representation and visualizations, and compare the COVID-19 situation in each country using interactive tools.
Maps and line graphs are interactive. Use the mouse to scroll or drag to see more details.
Customized graphs can be downloaded using the camera icon at the top of each graph (hover on a graph to see the options).
New cases as of
Data last fetched:
Data source: Centre for Humanitarian Data of the United Nations
Powered by Plotly

Summary Table

Some countries do not report recovery figures or delay significantly.
Some countries report lower numbers during weekends due to health officials not working.

Data Filters

Daily Change

Currently displaying:  
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Rolling Average:  
(Also applies to bar and pie.)

Daily Cases and Deaths

Kindly note that daily cases and daily deaths are on different axis. This graph is only for comparing trends, not the actual numbers.

Cumulative Data

Currently displaying:  
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Active Cases, Deaths and Recoveries

Some countries do not report recovery figures or delay significantly.
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